
Q-Squared (Q²) Trust Presents Their First Dunedin Pride Festival, Hui Taurima Kahukura – Ōtepoti.

Q² Trust was formed to create an inclusive and affirming environment for LGBTQIA+ communities in Dunedin and surrounding areas. Throughout the 2018 Dunedin Pride Festival, they aim to build on what is working well for LGBTQIA+ locals and to draw the city into celebrations of diversity. In the words of Audre Lorde, US writer, feminist and civil rights activist, “It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept and celebrate those differences.”

In what is billed as Dunedin’s most fabulous Pride festival to-date the organisers invite everyone to celebrate and rejoice in the many hues of the LGBTQIA+ rainbow+. Pride is an all-inclusive event so straight friends are welcome too!

Dunedin Pride features a well-selected line-up of fun and educational events, supporting local talent from a variety of creative streams. These include art, with contributors as young as 13, poetry and literature. Other events during the week – long festival include picnics and of course the Pride Closing Party at New New New, 218 Crawford St on 14 April.



From left: Tanya Findlater, Hahna Briggs, Rachel Shaw, Ann Charlotte and Gareth Treharne

The Trust is made up of a small group of volunteers who have worked tirelessly since July 2017.

To join the volunteer crew or submit art and poetry for the Dunedin Pride Art Exhibition and Pride Poetry competition, visit them on Facebook:

The full program is also available there. Deadline for competition entries is the 16th March.
